The main man behind SJP® is Sjouke Jorna. A dedicated person with a strong drive who started designing and making parts in 1987 in a barn behind his house. He was making custom parts for his own Harley® because he didn’t like the original parts an tought it could be done better. But in no time he was building more parts for others than for his own, and decided to quit his job, and start with SJP® (Sjouke Jorna Parts) in 1990. After a few years SJP started to grow, and Sjouke bought a new premises in 1994 with a complete CNC machine park to make the custom parts faster SJP become one of the biggest custom parts factory in Europe. As the company grew so rapidly, the company had to be divided into shareholders, unfortunately, they did not share the same vision as sjouke, so he left his company in 2000.

SJP could continue for a while with the designs that had designed sjouke but by the lack of new design SJP unfortunately went bankrupt in 2012. Sjouke bought SJP back as a company and label in the end of 2012. Since that SJP is back by the founder Sjouke Jorna, some of the “older designs” are redesigned, and SJP started with a new design line as well, the complete new line is ready in the end of 2014. A background of mechanical engineering, construction technology and CAD designing combined with a sheer endless tidal wave of ideas gave him the possibility to design and produce innovative custom parts, like clearly shown in his currently produced Grand Prix front end winning the biker build off USA. It seems to be inevitable that more and more Top Dollar custom bikes will be fitted with exclusive products manufactured by the Dutch company SJP®